Each one of us begins with the same core ingredients. Biology 101 teaches us this. Once those common ingredients are brought together our evolution into a unique human being begins.
The further we get from that beginning the more unique we each become. This is nature. We are naturally different.
Contrary to this is the human desire to belong, to feel part of something. The further we get from our beginning the more we are encouraged to ignore that uniqueness. Society has a good way of reinforcing this idea with its religions, classes, politics, etc… We make groups, divide and distance ourselves from each other and ultimately, our true selves.
It’s easy to forget that our most common thing is our uniqueness. This series is about helping us remember that.
Color comes with personal baggage. Colors have a wonderful way of eliciting feelings, thoughts, and emotions and this is different for each person.
Without color as a primary ingredient, we can better focus on the line and shape. We can easily find space for our eyes to rest and ponder what we are seeing. We are less distracted by our personal influences.
We are free to stand face to face in front of each piece and wonder about the origins of our human family and the unique path that each of us took to get here.
The color that does appear in the two large, black pieces, is a subtle nod to our continued growth, evolution, and personal expression.
I suppose we all go through life searching for something. That “something” for me is “balance.” The honest balance between everything that comes across my threshold. I don’t know how else to put it.
I have spent most of my creative life trying to understand the disorder in life and make sense of it. It’s not about creating abstract art for the sake of being abstract. The goal has always been to create pieces of art that make sense of the disorder by rearranging them into ways that feel orderly.
So, what does that have to do with this series of paintings?
Well, it occurred to me that if it is life balance that I am looking for in my work, then I need to just simply create that balance. Create art in which the style itself reflects the stability, equilibrium, symmetry, equity, parity, and calmness that I am looking for.
The solution was right there in front of me all along.
If it is balance that you seek, then balance you should create.